
Who we are

First Chrome V8

Do you remember when your browser crashed because you had opened one too many tabs?

The founders from Toit fixed that by building the V8 JavaScript engine for Google Chrome.

Then Dart

Or do you remember when you had to write your app in 3 different languages so it would work on mobile, desktop, and web?

The founders from Toit fixed that by creating the Dart language, the fastest-growing programming language in 2019 because of its adoption by Flutter, Google’s UI toolkit for building applications.

Dart programming language illustration

And now Toit

Strong from their virtual machine and programming languages successes, these engineers - and the rest of the ever-growing Toit team - have now built Toit, a high-level software platform for IoT.

So now developers can say “Remember when we had to send the whole image of our firmware over-the-air at once?” or “Remember when we could brick devices with just one typo in our code?”

Meet the founders

Florian Loitsch
Florian Loitsch

Florian Loitsch is a programming language and compiler specialist. He was the tech lead for the business critical Dart-to-JavaScript compiler at Google and in charge of the evolution of the Dart language.

Kasper Lund
Kasper Lund

Kasper Lund spent 12 years at Google as a senior staff engineer and site lead. He co-founded the V8 and Dart projects, and led the team that brought adaptive optimizations to JavaScript, finally making the web fast.

What we built

The Toit team has built a software platform that lets you run containers on very small MCUs with as little as 200 KB of RAM - and in particular on ESP32 microcontrollers because we love their price/performance benefits.

With this platform, you can update the firmware layer and all the apps that run on it so that you will never need to flash an entire firmware image to a device anymore.

The apps you run in your on-device containers work continuously and independently from each other at all times, even when you update the firmware or transfer your data to the cloud, and even when your devices are offline - so you can run devices on batteries for a very long time.

For this to work on microcontrollers, Toit brings you a new high-level language designed for IoT. You will use it to build apps that communicate with the hardware to generate data. The data can then be sent to your cloud using standard protocols such as HTTPS, MQTT, or CoAP.

So when you sign up for Toit, you can start using our software on your own microcontroller-based hardware.

Our extensive technical documentation guides you from device provisioning with the Toit firmware, to writing apps with our high-level language, to deploying them over-the-air on any device from your fleet.

You can also always ask for help from our engineering team. We are proud of what we have built, and we are curious about what you want to do.

Let’s talk!

What they say about us

“Create and continuously update the code on your microcontrollers with Toit. Kasper Lund discusses a new way of building applications for the internet of things using a virtual machine and Toit.”
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Open Cloudware
“Toit platform redefines the way we implement IoT applications.” A look into the features of Toit programming language.
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Now, thanks to a Danish company called Toit, there’s another option for managing a cluster of networked and resource-constrained computers.
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To stand out from the crowd, Toit took a completely different approach with which even a $2 ESP32 can be turned into a full computer.
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Why isn’t there a programming language yet that has been optimized for the IoT? Well, there is..
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By splitting the firmware and apps code, Toit allows you to deploy multiple applications on the same device in a much lighter and agile process.
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What they build with us

Whether it's home security, a temperature controlled fan, Google Sheets integration of sensed data, driving a display, and more: people have built and written about it.

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Head over to hackaday.io, hackster.io, instructables.com, or ekorau.com to find detailed tutorials.

Get started with Toit

Find our open-source technology on GitHub and start your journey to invent the future.

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